St Jordi’s Promotion!

April 20, 2015 - 2 minutes read

04_ St Jordi

You all know that both Shakespeare and Cervantes both died on April 23rd, but that is not the only reason why every Catalan street blooms with roses and books. There is more to it, curious? There is a legend, the legend of St Jordi the Knight and it has been celebrated in Catalunya since the 15th Century. The legend tells that St Jordi, a brave knight, saved the princess from being eaten by the fierce dragon.

Montblanc, a little catalan town, had been, for years, dominated by a terrible creature, a Dragon. He was an angry dragon, and in order to keep him from destroying the entire town they had to sacrifice a young girl every year. All the girls younger than 14 years old had to write their name in a paper and put it in a giant bowl. When the day came, a name would be withdrawn from the bowl and that poor soul would be sent to the dragon as a gift.

However, one year, the princess’ name was chosen, and, full of sorrow, the king sent her daughter to the dragon. Fortunately for all, St. Jordi decided to save the Princess and kill the dragon, therefore liberating the entire village from the oppression of the evil creature. When the knight killed the animal, thousand of red roses bloomed from his blood, becoming these a symbol of love.

This adventurous victory of good over evil is celebrated every year, becoming the St Valentine’s celebration of Catalunya. But where does the book fit? Well, after the two notorious writers died the same day, in 1932, April 23rd became the World Book Day.

And Altrim Publishers wants to celebrate this important day to us with you! That is why we are offering from today, free shipping when you purchase your book anytime this week, and we will send you a Jaipur itinerary when we finish the digital version of the Jaipur Architectural Travel Guide!

Buy the Chandigarh Architectural Travel Guide from April 20 to April 24th and you will get:

  1. Free Shipping to Spain and USA
  2. Free itinerary of the Jaipur Architectural Travel Guide
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